
Schwarzkopf Professional

Packaging / Marketing + Promotional Materials / Tradeshow Graphics

Schwarzkopf Professional

Schwarzkopf Professional

Collection of work created for Schwarzkopf Professional while at Eat.Sleep.Work.

Worked closely with SKP Brand managers creating marketing materials and promotional merchandise. Projects include: magazine ads, banner ads, in-store displays, stickers, posters, step-by-step booklets, packaging and newsletters among others.

role: packaging / marketing + promotional materials / tradeshow graphics

skp poster
skp shapingfutures 1
skp flyer 1
skp strongbonds 1
skp microsite 2
skp model 1
travelkits 3
shelftalker 1
skp socialposter 1
skp essensitybox 1
newsletter 1
newsletter 2 1
skp newsletters 1

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